Today is the day we not only bring awareness to the importance of recycling and just how powerful it is but also celebrate those leading the way in the area. With the theme this year being #RecyclingHeroes we thought what better time to shine a light on some of the heroes we work with at BLAEK Store. Recycling is not only good for the planet but it also makes you feel good doesn't it?

What's the saying? Do good, feel good!

Sure there are some pretty amazing groups recycling conventional recyclables such as plastic, glass and aluminium but in the last few years some new players have entered the arena, teamed up with us at BLAEK Store and are challenging conventional recycling and everything we know about it.

At BLAEK Store we believe strongly in our power as a business to lead the way, promote those doing good and offer services to our community outside of buying and selling sustainable products. That is why we partnered very early on with Terracycle and Upparel to offer recycling solutions for some previously un-recyclable items that we all use.

Terracycle recyling at BLAEK Store

TerraCycle are an innovative recycling company that has become a global leader in hard-to-recycle waste. 

There is so much in the world that cannot be recycled, but the only reason for this is that your local council who pick up your bins from outside your house, just don't have the systems in place to do so. Everything we use can be recycled with proper systems and that is what TerraCycle work to create.

Upparel clothing recycling at BLAEK Store

Starting out with recycling your socks, Upparel now recycle or repurpose almost any item of clothing or footwear (let's leave the undies please), saving tens of thousands of kgs of waste going to landfill. They are award-winning sustainability leaders and self-proclaimed wavemakers, and BLAEK Store are proud to partner with them. 

Upparel are on a mission to educate people about the ugly truths of donating your items to op-shops or charity bins, and just how much fabric and footwear ends up in landfill in Australia. It's fine if you have something in your wardrobe that you don't like, or is falling to pieces, but it's no longer the best idea to take it to your local op shop as so much of it gets discarded and sent to landfill. Their sustainable scheme is great for fashion labels too as they can send all of their fabric offcuts to Upparel for recycling, like Lois Hazel does!

Recycle at BLAEK Store

Want to go even deeper into the recycling world at BLAEK Store? Head HERE for even more information or come and chat to us in store.

Want to send in or drop off your clothing, textiles or footwear for recycling? Head HERE and follow the instructions to claim your $25 voucher to spend in store or online!

Want to drop of your waste such as old stationary, razors or toothpaste tubes and donate to environmental groups plus get store credit at the same time? Head HERE for more info on our Terracycle program.

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