Why we are different.
At BLAEK Store our mission is clear, we’re here to shake up the retail industry, we’re in business to build a better future for all lives on planet earth.
For those of you who haven’t yet experienced BLAEK Store, we aren’t your typical retail shop. In fact, we are the first responsible retailer of our kind in Australia. Yes, we sell clothing, yes, we sell accessories and homewares, and we encourage you to buy new things. So, what makes us different?
It comes down to a few key factors 1. People and Planet 2. Circularity 3. Education and 4. Practicability. Let’s break these down.
People and Planet – Our Purpose
By now you should all know that we are in a serious climate crisis, we are experiencing significant long-term shifts in temperatures and weather conditions and polluting our planet. The cause of this stems from a multitude of things including years of plastic pollution and fast fashion (the second biggest polluter after the oil industry) just to name a few. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, that is, burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. Not only is our planet significantly affected, but a recent study also found that plastic particles were entering the blood stream and that humans inhale and ingest enough microscopic pieces of plastic to create a credit card each week. So, we’ve managed to pollute our own bodies as well.
Our purpose is to provide you with better solutions. We help you reduce your waste with our reusable and refillable everyday products and by choosing clothes and accessories that are ethically made from organic, environmentally friendly, or recycled materials, you’re reducing the amount of microplastics that are entering our waterways. This will attribute to a healthier planet and healthier people.

Circularity – Solution 1
What is circularity? To us, circularity is about implementing systems within our business to eliminate waste and to maximise and encourage the reuse of resources. This is the core of BLAEK Store, anything that is purchased from us can either be reused, refilled, recycled, repaired, or biodegrade back into the earth.
This is our first solution, as much as is humanly possible, we don’t want our products to be contributing more waste, so we provide you with the solutions. From refillable deodorant tubes to reusable ear swabs, we have an assortment of products that will get you living waste free and in the long run save you money and time. We have a lifetime repair program for all our denim jeans and instore recycling partnership with both Upparel and Teracycle that enables us to recycle textiles, dental hygiene products, shaving products, stationary and empty blister packs. This offering is a significant piece to the BLAEK Store foundation and one that is constantly evolving.
Co-Founder Nikki Ciancio in a bath of dental hygiene waste collected by the BLAEK Store community and ready to be recycled.
Education – Solution 2
Education is purposeful action that is aimed at passing on knowledge to benefit others (people and planet). There are different types of learning, learning as an outcome is about new understandings and welcoming opportunities. It’s also about growth as individuals and as a collective.
This is our second solution and a significant part of our mission at BLAEK Store. Our education piece comes in many forms, whether it’s exclusive screening nights of informative documentaries, DIY store events teaching our community how to mend their clothes or make beeswax wraps or simply the daily chats we have in store with our customers. We use education to inspire our community, we’re here to provide them with the resources to grow as individuals so that they can make better informed decisions that we hope, inspire them to make better purchasing choices in the future.

Practicability – Our Why
For something to be practicable it needs to be viable, it needs to be logical. There is a lot of information out there about sustainability, climate change, what’s right and what’s wrong, who you should be listening to and who is greenwashing you. For those who don’t live and breathe this space it’s overwhelming. Where do you even begin?
This is our Why. We know this space is confronting and it’s hard to know who is telling the truth. There are some amazing people out there showing you how to grow your own food, make your own deodorant and telling you to use coconut oil as a hair treatment. Majority of the time it almost seems too hard, too much to think about, that’s because it is. The reality is, we can’t all live out of the city, grow our own vegetables, and wear a dress made from a potato sack (OK, this is overkill, I don’t think anyone is wearing this). A lot of people don’t want to live this way either, and they shouldn’t have to.
For some, being more responsible and environmentally friendly is about going back to basics but for the rest of the world it’s about innovation, it’s about moving forward and finding solutions. We’re never going to stop people from consuming, so why not provide them with better options. BLAEK Store is here to show you that there is a practicable way to make a difference and you can do it without skimping on the things you already love about your life.
As retailers, we have a responsibility to provide our customers with, not only products that are planet and people friendly, but also solutions for the afterlife of our products. At BLAEK Store, every decision we make must positively impact people and planet as best as possible.
This is the new retail, this is BLAEK store.